« Last post by tolkienfan1 on February 16, 2019, 02:55:06 AM »
I opened a Discord account to keep up with more frequent posts. I do wish you had enough staff to keep us regularly updated on this forum, but I understand having only so many free hands. Still, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is getting a bit nervous about the support we've given as backers. Many of us shared--up front--our desire for regular updates, no matter how small they seem, so we know progress is being made.
Maybe I'm spoiled, but I see people like Jeff Vogel posting all over the place about the most minor progress with his new game "Queen's Wish" that he funded through Kickstarter. "I made a monster today, and I tested it, and it kicked my butt!" (Okay, maybe not that minor, but you get the picture...) If this is supposed to be at a beta backer stage by spring (only what, 1-3 months away?), don't you have a more detailed trailer to share? I guess what I'm saying is: You need to market the heck out of this game!
Enough said. Hugs and love for all of you!